
Classes at 在线博彩 to be suspended for two hours during April eclipse

Classes at 在线博彩 to be suspended for two hours during April eclipse

2024年3月5日 Editor’s note: The following message was sent today via email from President 泰勒Eighmy, Interim Provost 和 Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs 希瑟·希普利 和 Chief Enterprise Development Officer 和 Executive Vice President for Business Affairs 维罗妮卡萨拉查 致全体教职员工和学生:

On Monday, April 8, a rare 和 awe-inspiring event will occur — 日全食 — 和 在线博彩’s Main Campus is in the path of totality. San Antonio was last in the path for 日全食 in 1397, 和 the contiguous United States will not see another total solar eclipse until 2044.

Recognizing the significance of this astronomical occurrence, we will be suspending all classes that occur between noon 和 2 p.m. 在那一天. 除了, staff are encouraged to attend this remarkable event, with managers working directly with their teams to ensure rotating office coverage in order to maintain continuous operations. We want to provide everyone with the opportunity to witness 和 learn from this natural phenomenon when the moon will position itself between Earth 和 the sun, 在我们的星球上投下阴影.

在线博彩 faculty, staff 和 students are invited to participate in our Total Solar Eclipse Campus Viewing Party 在主校区. The community viewing will be narrated by Dr. 安吉拉斑点, professor of astronomy 和 chair of the Department of Physics 和 Astronomy.

To ensure all Roadrunners are able to view the eclipse safely, we are providing the campus community with free, 限量版在线博彩日食眼镜. Glasses will be available at tables in the Outdoor Learning Environment (OLÉ) the week leading up to the eclipse, 和 also at the campus viewing party itself. 看到 活动网站 欲知详情.

Aligned with our commitment to experiential learning 和 the enrichment of our campus experience, we hope you’ll agree that the solar eclipse provides a unique opportunity for our entire Roadrunner community to experience this astronomical event together.

《今日在线博彩》由 大学策略传播
of 在线赌博平台.

请将您的反馈发送至 news@chugaku-eigo.com.

《今日在线博彩》由 大学传播与市场营销, 官方新闻来源 of 在线赌博平台. 请将您的反馈发送至 news@chugaku-eigo.com. Keep up-to-date on 在线博彩 news by visiting 在线博彩今天. 与在线博彩在线联系 脸谱网, 推特, YoutubeInstagram.




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在线赌博平台 is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge through research 和 discovery, 教与学, 社区参与和公共服务. As an institution of access 和 卓越, 在线博彩 embraces multicultural traditions 和 serves as a center for intellectual 和 creative resources as well as a catalyst for socioeconomic development 和 the commercialization of intellectual property - for Texas, 国家和世界.


To be 一所一流的公立研究型大学, providing access to educational 卓越 和 preparing citizen leaders for the global environment.


We encourage an environment of dialogue 和 discovery, 在完整性, 卓越, 包容, 尊重, collaboration 和 innovation are fostered.


在线博彩是一个骄傲 西班牙裔服务机构 (HSI)由美国指定.S. 教育部 .


在线赌博平台, a 西班牙裔服务机构 situated in a global city that has been a crossroads of peoples 和 cultures for centuries, values diversity 和 inclusion in all aspects of university life. As an institution expressly founded to advance the education of Mexican Americans 和 other underserved communities, our university is committed to promoting access for all. 在线博彩, 一所一流的公立研究型大学, fosters academic 卓越 through a community of dialogue, discovery 和 innovation that embraces the uniqueness of each voice.